OMB Mission
The Office of Management and Budget plays a central role in designing and implementing the state budget, allocating state resources, and supporting government services. We integrate objective analysis and inter-agency collaboration to maximize the value of Delaware's assets.
OMB Vision
Working together to create excellence in state government.
OMB Goals
- Maintain trust and respect between OMB and the state agencies, suppliers, vendors, and contractors with which we work.
- Uphold quality controls and monitoring to ensure consistent delivery of excellent work products.
- Communicate clearly, consistently and in a timely manner within OMB sections and in cooperation with all state agencies, suppliers and contractors.
- Deliver work products, communications and customer service responses in a timely manner with a high degree of accuracy.
- Assess and manage risks involved in all OMB activities and service delivery.
- Establish and maintain systems and data integrity.
- Uphold quality controls.
- Ensure full compliance with all standards and statutes associated with service delivery.
- Make efficient use of taxpayer money.
- Regularly review, update and disseminate best practices to OMB staff.
- Update and train state agencies, suppliers, vendors, contractors and customers in best practices and quality improvement techniques.
- Lead state agencies by example. OMB staff will conduct themselves and deliver services in an exemplary fashion to be followed by all other state agencies and employees.
- Train state agencies, suppliers, vendors, contractors and customers in best practices, including streamlining systems and improving state efficiency.
- Recruit and promote diverse workforce, suppliers, vendors and contractors.
- Develop and enhance a diverse talent pool by creating opportunities for professional development.
- Provide the best information to all customers and decision makers statewide.